Monday, October 31, 2005

Well, here I sit

Don't know if I got fired or if I quit, but here I sit at 2:30 on a Monday afternoon with a check for $30.88 in my purse.

I was expecting things not to go too well today, but this wasn't the outcome I'd hoped for. Joe was quite distant and very cool when I got in this morning...barely spoke when spoken to, but no blow-up like I was expecting. I heard him call his wife and chew her out for a mistake she'd made and I did ask if I could help with anything when he got off of the phone. A very gruff "no" was all I got. He had me go to lunch early and was gone when I got back.

Two vans pulled in behind me when I got back from lunch. It was two coaches and some high school kids wanting to design a t-shirt for the cross-country state finals. (they will probably win!) Joe had shown one of the coaches some clip-art books and he even knew where they were and walked in and got them. They took over the front room (gave them a couple of forms and pencils and the coach told me that they didn't need any help and actually closed the office door when I went back in! I did get up and open the door. Well, Joe showed up before they were finished and worked with them until they came up with a design and placed an order. When they left he came in the office and bit my head off. He didn't know what was wrong with me, I'm not focused, it's his shop, not mine. Now, mind you, we've had a similar talk before, but this one was vicious. He was yelling and really being nasty...not cussing, just really being nasty. Then he brought up the t-shirt order from last week. Well, I had already looked at the order as I had it entered in the computer and finally (after asking him) found the actual packing slip hidden on his desk and I did not do what he was saying/yelling. In fact, I told him that I didn't and that I'd shown it to him and that just made him madder. I was so upset that I thought I was going to either cry or throw up and said I needed to go home...he said "make sure you take your stuff" and I said I wasn't planning on quitting, that I felt like I was going to throw up. He then began yelling again that it was his shop, he paid the bills and if I left I wasn't to come back. Of course, it didn't help matters that I had painted a very mild cat face (a black nose and whisker dots) on this morning and had on my Halloween shirt. The jackass even said that how dare I dress that way when he'd given me shirts to wear. Told him I'd bring the shirts back (and I will), he said no and I said I'd not wear them again, maybe someone else could. Then I asked him to pay me for the overtime Friday and for the four hours today and he said no. Said I could come back on Friday and get it as that was payday. Then he had second thoughts and wrote me the check. Oh, I did say that I sure didn't know what was wrong with him. That helped lots, too.

I've never met anyone who needs to take anger management training like he does. And he thinks he's going to run for sheriff in a few years. Oh God, that's just what we need, a hot head with a gun!

I guess I'll go to Thomasville tomorrow and get a paper. Maybe even Valdosta, it's not all that far. If it weren't for the house I'd leave Monticello.

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