Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Strange Stress

It's funny, but this new job is causing a bit of stress for me...not the work, but last night we were told that there may not be work tonight and for the rest of the week.  We are to call in at 3:00 this afternoon to see if we are to come in.  Now that's stressful!  I'm not sure what to do with my day since my evening is uncertain...oh well, I'm sure it will all work out, it's just that I was counting on the money.  I do know that we are starting a new study on Monday, so there will be work next week.

Helen, my 81 years old neighbor called this morning.  She's going through a rather odd family thing.  She got a phone call from a neice that she hasn't talked to in 30 years.  The neice said she was sending Helen something and was making sure she had the correct address.  Helen thought the neice was sending her something that she had of her mothers...well, it turned out that she sent Helen some papers to sign giving up all of her property rights to 44 acres of land in West Virginia that she is the sole heir of.  Helen immediately called her oldest son who got the papers and began a little research and then got in touch with the Attorney General of West Virginia.  Come to find out, this neice filed a death certificate on Helen and is in deep dodo!  I'd like to see her go to jail!   (If it's good enough for Martha Stewart it's good enough for this person!)  Needless to say, Helen's a bit upset! 

Hubby's not doing too well...

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Random Thoughts

This is a first posting to a blog for me and I haven't the foggiest idea what I want to say, but after reading other blogs I feel it's the thing I'd most like to do with some of the time I spend on line!!
I started a new job 2 weeks ago...recruiting people to work focus groups here in Orlando. The majority of the folks I call are already in the company's data base and the response is generally quite positive, however, I occasionally get someone who doesn't remember who we are and that's when I've gotten some abusive language and quite a few hang-ups! Very interesting work!
Got a phone call from my mother this AM...she and her new hubby are back from vacation and preparing to go on another! They are the "goingest" folks I think I've ever known! Even when they are in town they seem to be constantly on the go! She's 79 and he's 86! I started to say I hope I'm that active when I'm their ages, but it dawned on me that I'm not that active NOW!!!!
Will close for now...hope to make posting a regular thing.