Saturday, September 24, 2005

Odds and Ends

The television coverage of hurricane Rita is intense. She went ashore early this morning along the Texas/Louisana border. She had weakened considerably from 24 hours ago, but was still a catagory 3 when she landed. The shored up levees in New Orleans didn't hold...areas that flooded with Katrina had finally dried out and are now once more flooded. The devestation that Rita has wrought will not be known for hours, maybe even days. I did hear that there are a few other systems forming.

I don't know if my eldest daughter and family are coming here today or tomorrow. I thought it was to be tomorrow, but woke up this morning thinking about it and I think they had the house on St. George Island from Sunday to Saturday. That would make sense, I had thought it was from Sunday to Sunday. Need to cook something and do a little cleaning.

Planted two rosemary plants and a celantro this morning...I've been keeping them on the side porch, but they really weren't doing too well. In fact one of the rosemarys probably will not make it and it's sorta iffy about the other.

The weekend was slow coming this week. Yesterday the boss was out of town and the day was VERY long.

Had a message from Mother last night that they were back from the funeral...actually I saw it on CallWave...didn't listen to her message, just called her back. She was just getting in the shower and didn't want to talk. Said she'd call today.


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