Thursday, September 22, 2005


I do believe that all prayers are answered, often not in a way we recognize and often not exactly how we wish, but answered. Yesterday I had a direct answer to a prayer and just as I had asked.

Uncle Gene died Tuesday night and I've coped pretty well with it, but when I got home from work yesterday I was so down, not only from the loss of someone I love, but the new hurricane, even though distant at this point, is rather scary and I'm alone, etc., etc., etc. So, I had a really good cry and then got hold of myself and prayed. It was a rather selfish prayer, but sincere..."Please God, I really don't want to be alone tonight. Please send someone just to keep me company."...shortly after that the bottom fell out of the sky. It rained so hard that I could barely see the road out front. I stood in the living room looking out the window at the storm and a car slowed down as it approached my really looked familiar, but I couldn't immediately place it. Then it turned into the driveway. Bud! It was BUD! He came to spend the night! We had supper and talked for hours. He truly was an answer to my prayer! Thank you God! Thank you Bud!

Now, I'm worrying about Miss Rose...She and her family and friends are vacationing on St. George Island. They showed pictures of St George Island on the news a little while ago, and it's already very rough. I know they are grown, but mothers do worry! (I sound like my mother!)

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