Wednesday, September 01, 2004

She's coming!!!

Now, here's the deal...We have another hurricane coming and she's much stronger than Charley was. Her sweet little old name is Frances. Doesn't sound too menacing now, does it? Even allowing for a large margin of error in the predicted storm path, they are saying the storm WILL come to land in Florida and that no matter what part of Florida she lands in, Orlando will feel the effects and suffer more damage. Of course, the prevailing predicted path brings her to land around Brevard County (due east of us) and directly over Orlando.

They just announced on TV that a mandatory evacuation will probably be issued within the next 24-48 hours. They didn't say if that will be for everyone or just people in mobile homes (which they are saying WILL be destroyed). I entertained the idea of going to Tallahassee, to Mother's house or my sister's, but they just showed an extended path and Frances will be headed straight to Tallahassee from here. I'm pretty sure we'll just try to ride her out, pray for us.

I met an interesting older (impossible, you say?) lady yesterday at Wendy's. I got to work at 7:30AM yesterday morning to start training to lead some of the focus groups. I left at noon, came home, changed clothes, did 3 loads of laundry and left at 2:45 to go vote and go back to work to do recruiting. I only lasted about an hour and a half on the phones before I came back home. Anyway, back to the interesting lady. I stopped at Wendy's when I was headed back to work, to get a coke and sit sorta alone and quietly. This nicely dressed and appointed lady stopped at my table and said something about the weather (a thunder storm was blowing in). I was rather distracted and just nodded and murmured something back. She sat at a table across from me with her back to me...and caught my attention. She had a drink in front of her, but her hands were shaking so badly that she had trouble getting the straw to her mouth. Then she took her keys out and was fingering them and tumbling them around, it reminded me of someone saying their rosary. I stopped at her table when I was leaving and asked if she was ok, and if she would like to call someone to come get her. She burst into tears and said there was no one to call, her husband died 3 months ago. She went through hurricane Charley alone and said no one even called or came by to check on her afterwards. She has one daughter who lives in Canada with her husband. They are both retired and don't want "Mom" around. So we exchanged numbers (and names). I'll have to check with her this afternoon and see what she's going to do for this storm. I don't even know what we'll do.

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