Monday, August 30, 2004

Who you gonna believe?

Now in these days of political stuff oozing all around us, I ask you, who you gonna believe? In my hearts of hearts I think Mr. Bush has the best handle on the terrorists. In my heart of hearts I believe John Kerry lies a bunch, hasn't the foggiest idea of national protection, and talks out of both sides of his mouth and his butt all at once.

OK, this isn't political.

What I really wanted to ask was, "Who you gonna believe?". This is storm related. The thing is, the weather people really screwed up with Charley, so now they are telling us that a category 4-5 hurricane is probably going to hit us before Labor Day. I say, "Yeah, right!".

Central Florida had her first major hurricane in 44 years 17 days ago and you say we'll probably have another by this weekend? I don't wanna!!!!!!!!!!! So, I choose not to believe you damned weatherpeople! So there!!!!! (I went to Winn Dixie at 7am today and got BATTERIES, little tiny jars of mayonnaise, cookies and ground coffee...I'll go back like Thursday and get bread, eggs, water and some other stuff.) I'm going to partially thaw one of those wonderful roast I got last week and make jerky and I'm freezing lots of containers of water. Bought charcoal and lighter today.

Today has been odd. Yesterday I went to my tire place because the wire on both of my front tires was showing and two different people at work mentioned it to me last week and I thought I'd better do something 'cause Mike certainly wasn't going to do anything. I called first and they said "come on in". I did. They then told me that they couldn't do my car because everyone came in and that I could leave the car over night or some such dumb thing. So, this morning I was there at 7am when they unlocked the door...reminded them about yesterday and got a free oil change and filter and $6 off of each tire!!!!

Then, I was due into work at 11am to be trained for something else...was there till 5pm and need to go back tomorrow morning at 7:30. Wow!

Tonight is the season premier of Fear Factor...10 minutes from not...gotta go, haven't even done supper yet.

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