Thursday, August 12, 2004

Blond no more

Well, I've finally done it! I got rid of the brassy-blond look this I'm Sable...not a bad look for a change and it was cheap! I went to Big Lots yesterday for hurricane supplies and found good cheap hair dye, it's a little darker than I was looking for, but all of the boxes that had a blond of any sort were empty (still on the shelf however!) I opted for this & I think I can live with it!

Just got a call from work, we're not working tonight or tomorrow night because of the storm. Said to call Monday and see if we're working then...makes for a light pay check.

I've made a half-gallon of coffee and am in the process of making a gallon of tea and am boiling a dozen eggs. We could live on that for a while, even if the storm doesn't make it necessary that we exist on this, it's something we'll use anyway. Got batteries for the radio, more water and bologna (had to sing the Oscar Mayer song to spell it) and of course for a hurricane party, chips & salsa! Think I'll make a pan of brownies just in case.

gassed up the car, got cigarettes...can't think of anything else we can't live without for a few days. Now I need to start bringing in stuff/plants from outside.

Paul Harvey said that there's the possibility the two storms could combine! There's a Japanese name for that, but I don't remember what it is. That sure would be a mess!

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