Thursday, August 05, 2004

My world

I woke up with a sore throat this morning. Of course my first thought was "I can't possibly go to work this evening, I talk on the phone the entire time I'm there". Then my second thought was "I don't even know if there's work tonight"...there wasn't work last night. I really wouldn't mind this not working every night thing, but my entire day is on hold when I can't find out until 2:00 in the afternoon whether or not I'm going in. Oh well, it's much better than nothing and I do need to get out of the house!

When I went to the kitchen this morning there was a big spatter of blood on the counter. Everyone seems whole (including hubby), so I have a mystery!

My daughter pointed out that the title of my first (I think) posting shows my dyslexia in full bloom...It reads "Ramdon thoughts" instead of Random thoughts. Spell check is now my best friend, it does get a little picky however.

Yesterday Helen, 81 yr old neighbor, called and wanted to know if I could use 8 pounds of oatmeal. What in the world would I do with that? I already have 2 lbs and thanked her profusely but declined the offer. I did use 3/4 of a cup in the scrumptious meatloaf I made last night, but at 3/4 of a cup it would take YEARS to use 8 pounds!

I've begun packing up my craft/sewing room. This is no small feat! I'm trying to toss things as I go, but as soon as I get rid of something it seems I need it!!!!! I threw away all of my dryer lint a couple of weeks ago and now I need it for a quilting project that I have in mind. Rats!

Will close for now...tomorrow is another day!

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