Sunday, August 22, 2004


I think the wall I've built around me is beginning to crack!

Helen called this morning. She was furious that she couldn't get through to her son to get the name of a "professional" tree trimmer he has used. She has nothing in her yard now, but does need to have a few things taken out at some point...nothing emergency. As soon as the storm was over both family and neighbors converged at Helens house and by the Sunday following the storm on Friday, her yard was cleared and mowed. Her entire conversation this AM was about wanting everything done now. I flipped finally and told her that she really was okay for now, but we're not. We need help...I've done what I can (but in the overall view of things, not much) and Mike can not do the clean up, even with my help. I probably should have done what I usually do and just grunted and listened. When I got off of the phone I's the first time since the storm hit.

The Winn Dixie that I usually use still isn't up and running...non perishables only and limited lights in the store. So, this morning, I deciced to go to another Winn Dixie that I pass on the way to work. I got about 3/4 of the way there and was turned back by the police. I doubled back and went in an entirely different way. Got there! Shelved were quite picked over, but I hit the jackpot in the meat dept with a couple of "buy one get two free" specials! It does feel better having food in the fridge and freezer!

I need to get off of the computer...thunderstorm moving in.

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