Friday, August 27, 2004

Yesterday I decided I couldn't handle the mess in the yard any more, so I started with my clippers and just cut little stuff from the downed trees and put it in large yard bags...filled two bags and then had to quit in order to get ready for work. At this rate, I figure it'll take me close to 100 years to clear the yard, but at least it's action...the inaction going on around here has been driving me CRAZY!!!!!

When I got home night before last from work the large oak limb that was hanging over the front walk (which I had trimmed in order to reach the front door or walk into the front yard) was hanging all the way down touching the walk. (This limb is broken and hanging from a crook in the tree.) In order to get into the house I had to climb over and through the hanging mess...when I asked Mike about it he said he tried to pull it down, but it wouldn't the s.o.b. just left it hanging there! He did cut it off before I left for work yesterday, but just left everything where it landed and it was still there when I got home last night, so I spent about half an hour dragging it to the fence and hoisting it over, I guess today I'll go out and drag it to the curb.

Haven't heard from Helen.

Work is fun (and it gets me out of the house and away from all of the mess). We're doing a study on pain relief. I commented to my supervisor the other night that I couldn't believe the things people will tell a perfect stranger on the phone, and he said "just be glad this study isn't on flatulence...they'll even tell you how it smells!".

Had seafood from my favorite seafood place, Boston's Fish House, last night. Was a good birthday dinner.

Think I'll get outside while it's still in the low 80's.

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