Friday, August 06, 2004

Spleen venting

I was at the office by 2:10 this afternoon to pick up a check and by damn it was locked up tighter than a drum! What a major disappointment, I had grocery store plans!

I did stop at the store (2 in fact) and get some fresh things...lettuce, cucumbers, green peppers, lemons and limes, and fruit...bananas, peaches, oranges & a mango. Reads like two mighty tasty salads! There's a chicken in the 'frige that I'm going to do something to for supper tonight. Maybe something with garlic, limes and black pepper.

I saw Helen in her back yard this afternoon, dressed to kill in a long black dress, red boots and jewelry. She was cutting away at a hibiscus bush, that had gotten too tall for her, with a hack saw! This bush was probably 20+ feet tall and it's a puny 7-8 feet now. Helen is absolutely amazing!

Over & out.

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