Monday, August 23, 2004


Not much new today...went back to Winn Dixie today. The road I couldn't use yesterday was open. It seems that the road was closed because the county was cutting a road through to a huge open field for the commercial dump trucks to take trees and debris...already the pile is unbelievably massive!

Picked up the three rolls of film that I dropped off yesterday. Caught some fairly good shots. We'll scan them and e-mail some. Got some good shots of the animals!

Got three more roasts at the "buy 1 get 2 free" sale. Am thinking about making some jerky.

Work tonight...since last Friday was pay day, I guess we'll be paid tonight. That's a good thing!

The Orlando area got over 8" of rain yesterday and 4" the day before. Boggy Creek Road is still under water in spots. I've always wanted a pond, but yesterday we had a moat! and, Jackie's yard across the street was completely submerged.


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