Friday, September 10, 2004

A Dreary Day in Eden

I just came in from watching a big old oak tree be taken down. Fear is destroying as many of our trees as both Charley and Frances did it seems. Helen had a 35-50 year old live oak that has sheltered her house from the time they moved into it 20 years ago. This beautiful oak has kept the sun from baking her home during the summers here and has given years of service as a refuge for squirrels and birds. This beauty will be missed!

Our skies have been rather odd for the past couple of days...actually for the past few weeks (was it only 4 weeks ago that Charley hit?). One moment we are heavily overcast and the next we have patches of blue up there...

Thank goodness!!!!! We had work last night and we have work tonight. These storms are hell to pay on hourly employees!

I started a new batch of jerky this morning...however, Mike sliced the roast for me while I was at work last night and it's much thicker than I cut looks like tiny roasts in the dehydrator. That last batch of jerky was awfully good and lasted about a week...wish I'd recorded what I marinated it in.

Grocery shopped yesterday. The store was packed, but silent. Eerie!

Will try to top off the gas tank in my car today.

You should see the faces of the people who live here. Everyone looks sleepy, angry and a little afraid and resigned...what can we do? Not a thing but buy more water, more canned goods and (using some restraint) more junk food. No brownies this time, I gained 4 pounds with the last 2 storms.

Talked with Mother this morning. She's actually worried about this one and wanted to pick my brain about supplies (can you believe it?). She doesn't even know if they have a battery powered radio. I told her that was important. I hope she'll remember batteries.

Ivan is coming.

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