Saturday, September 25, 2004

"The time has come, the waldrus said..."

Here is it 6:30 in the evening on Saturday...boy, those storms sure know how to time their hits for the anyone else finding that rather odd? It seems we have a real doozy coming this time ( and we thought the others were bad!). I've cleaned the house, vacuumed, dusted (not the walls, I did that for Frances), made a pot of turkey gumbo and remembered to get coffee filters! I moved my car to parallel the house and scratched the stew of of her on the bumper of the dead truck, I think I've done all I can, except for getting the table and 2 chairs off of the porch. How does one prepare for this sort of thing? I thought I knew what I was doing with Charley, then I was sure with Frances and even I know that there is really no way to actually batten down the hatches. This storm, Jeanne, is stronger that any of the others, and it has finally dawned on me that there is really nothing we can do. This storm has killed a whole lot of people already and destroyed untold property. The TV folks on every chanel are saying she's really, really bad. I'm rather unnerved this time. Say a prayer.

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