Sunday, August 30, 2009

Oh that Jazzy dog!

Just when I think Jazzy is maturing she goes and does something awful. When I got up this morning the bed was covered with poly fiber fill....she'd chewed up the little child's quilt that she sleeps on on her side of the bed! I told her that I'd like to shoot her! Of course I really don't want to, but she doesn't know that. Damn dog!

Night before last around 2am both dogs woke me up by standing on the bed and growling. As soon as I lifted my head they both broke into barking and jumped from the bed and ran to the back door. I let them out and they both became quiet. I left them out for a few minutes and then called them in. Shirley came in, but Jazz wouldn't. So I got the flashlight and went out to try and herd her in to no avail. However, I discovered several large drops of wet blood on the patio and spatters in a couple of places. I flashed the light around both the fenced in area and the yard around the fence...saw nothing. Jazz was out by the large gate and wouldn't come to me nor would she go into the house, so I left her and went back to bed. After about an hour she barked to come in and went back to bed and to sleep. Yesterday I hosed the blood off the patio and walked the yard and found nothing. I have no idea what all of that was about.

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