Sunday, August 02, 2009

Glorious rain!

For several days we've had both rain and sun. That's the way I like it!

Yesterday morning I left around 7am for my trip to Tallahassee, of course I bribed the dogs out of the house with their chicken breast jerky treats and quickly locked the door. I made it to my sister's house a little after 7:40 and we dashed to the restaurant for breakfast and then to the nursing home where we only stayed about 15 minutes. Then it was back to my sister's house to go through some old photos that she'd picked up from Mother's house. Then it was a dash back home.

All of this dashing was because of the rain, I didn't want the dogs out in know how dogs are! Well, the dashing was to no avail. The closer I got to town the blacker the sky became and as I approached the city limits it became apparent that it had been pouring rain for quite a while. Sho' nuf, the dogs were not only soaked, but quite muddy. You couldn't even tell that Shirley is (usually) mostly white! They quickly dried themselves on the sofa and felt much better. Boy are they in for a rude awakening if I'm ever able to get a new sofa!

Friday I decided to take the gate down from the kitchen doorway. It's been up for about a year and a half. The purpose was to keep the dogs out and to give the cats a break from them. Well, I put the dogs on their honor, but I'm finding that where cat food is concerned there is no honor among dogs! They are good about staying out if I'm in the kitchen or if they happen to catch me looking at them, but just let me turn my back! I caught Jazzy sauntering into the kitchen this morning and when she saw me she skidded all over the kitchen trying to put it into reverse! I couldn't help but laugh and she did, too!

I watched "Batman Begins" on AMC yesterday. I haven't enjoyed a movie quite as much in a long time! I'd really like to see it without commercials as I missed a few spots by doing something else while the commercials were on and didn't get back soon enough. Then later I watched "Mrs. Washington Goes to Smith", cute little movie.

I should be outside weeding as they have really taken off in this rain/sun weather, but I'm thinking that today is a lazy day. Got the housekeeping I'm going to do done on Friday and the laundry, too. Am going to make a pot of spaghetti sauce and call my day done!

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