Monday, January 23, 2006

What a nice weekend!

Saturday was rather unusual. I met Mother in Tallahassee at 9:30am. Since she had insisted that I'd met her at the shop the last time I suggested that I drive so I could meet her there next time. She didn't want to do it, but finally we were off in my car with me driving! Thank goodness. She got us lost! I was able to back track and we finally got to Talbot's! Found a couple of cute things that were on sale and left to go to a cute little bistro-type restuarant. Good food and we had a nice visit. Got Mother safely back home and came back to Monticello.

When I pulled into the driveway I saw a package on the front porch, but putting Shirley out was my first line of business...put her out on her chain and carried a few thing in from the car...the phone was ringing.

It was Helen asking if her package had arrived! Got it in from the front porch while talking with her and opened it. FUN! She had rooted some of the Tapioca tree for me and sent several little shirts and a dress as well! Got shirley in while we talked and was able to put groceries away and do a few other little things while on the phone. Then (while still on the phone) the door bell rang.

It was Leah Jane and Max. Shirley was delighted! She and Max romped and were nuts for about half an hour while we visited. Then we walked around the yard for a little while (the camellias are blooming) and they walked on home.

Came in and the phone was ringing, it was Martha Jean. She's looking for a Yorkie and has found a breeder about an hour and half from here. We'll go see the puppies next weekend. While we were talking Shirley suddenly went bonkers, barking her head off and freaking out as she looked out the front windows.

I looked out just in time to see a trailer from a pickup truck come to rest about 6 feet from the front of the house. The truck was backing up the driveway. Got off the phone and opened the door as the bell rang. There was a tiny, old, nicely dressed black woman at the door. I looked at her and a light bulb went off. She was Rachael's sister...Rachael raised my sister and me for about 17 years! It seems she and her daughter were going to get an organ and just couldn't wait for "the men folks" to help them. The hitch on the truck and on the trailer weren't compatable (obviously!). We tried, but couldn't get it hitched up correctly, so I told them to just leave the trailer until they found someone with the right hitch.

Walked back into the house and the phone once more was ringing...Mother. Talked a few minutes. Got off. The phone rang again, Martha Jean checking to see if things were okay.


Yesterday was quiet. Did yard work, read the paper and watched a movie. A fellow came around 5:30 and got the trailer. As I said a quiet day! Thank goodness!

Gotta run, it's a work day.

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