Thursday, January 05, 2006

Ghosts and things

Monticello has been called "one of the most haunted small towns in America" by the American Ghost Trackers and I now believe I have a couple of ghosts of my very own!

A few months back I wrote about the weird incidents with all of the clocks in the house (including the computer clock). That has pretty much settled down, but on occasion one or more of them will change time. Some of them are electric and some are battery operated and it doesn't seem to make a difference.

Well, now something else is going on. For the past several weeks I've noticed the strong smell of a woman's perfume. This only happens in the old part of the house and comes on very suddenly and disappears just as quickly. The first time I noticed it I had just showered and gone to the living room to watch tv. The smell was so strong that I smelled my gown and robe to see if I'd gotten something on me. It wasn't me. Then earlier this week I got another smell, sorta like a know, oily and a little sweaty. This too, happened quickly and disappeared quickly. Then last night both smells were here at the same time, but each was very disernable.

Always before Shirley has lifted her head and smelled the air, but last night she jumped up onto my footstool and growled and ended up barking at a spot behind me. It was as if she could see something! Wild!

My friend Leah Jane was telling me that she also has a ghost. Her ghost smokes a cigarette on her porch (no ashes or butts, just smell) and the smell seeps into her house. It's been going on for many years and she's no longer afraid of it. Her house was built in 1910, mine in 1940. Interesting!

We've had several days of above normal weather, but that's soon to change. Friday and Saturday night we are to have a hard freeze. We sure have gone from one end of the thermometer to the other this winter!

ETC posted on her blog yesterday for the first time since they got back from China. The pictures of the two children together are wonderful!

Loving my job. Gotta get ready to go now.

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