Sunday, May 22, 2005

The Garden

Yesterday I went over to "the house". Out back is a raised 8'x8' bed that was horribly overgrown, so I weeded it. In the process I found a basil seedling, some old plantings of rosemary, a large clump of lemon thyme, lots of garlic chives, lots and lots of various mints and two seedlings that look like either squash or cucumbers...I don't know how to tell the difference until they bare (since I didn't plant them). There are three sagos planted in the bed that I'll move after I move in. Around the rather large patio are daylilies and what looks to me like yarrow. I even found several red impatients under an oak tree on the side. Since the house is 81 years old some of the foundation plantings are also quite old...some old camellias and many huge pecan trees...lots of dogwoods and red buds and old ivy and lots of lantanas, the front bed off the front porch is planted with the palest yellow pale that they seem almost white...pretty. The yard really hasn't been neglected, in fact it's in extremely good shape...not so much for me to work on, so I'll start things of my own. I'm looking forward to that!

I haven't talked with Mike for a couple of days...he keeps saying not to call for no reason. I'll call tonight.

I'm chilling three chicken breasts that I poached this morning. I'm going to make chicken salad and a pitcher of iced tea. The weather's so warm that it's hard to think of anything appealing to eat, and since I start the JOB tomorrow it'll be nice to have something for lunch.

I got up this morning at 4:30. There was an old white car backed in and parked out front. I went out for the newspaper at 6:30 and it was still there. The drivers seat was reclined, but I didn't look in, so I don't know if anyone was in it or not. Well, here it is almost noon and it's still out there. I'll feel a bit safer after I move. At once I feel quite isolated and quite exposed here. US 19 is within spitting distance of here and the train is maybe a ball field'll certainly be quieter after I move!

My refrigerator still has that smell, maybe it's a good thing it won't fit in the kitchen of the new house. I'll have to put it on the glass porch (or tear out cabinets in the kitchen). My kitchen hutch won't fit either, so it'll either go on the glass porch or in the back hall, I'll just have to see.

I found out Friday that a friend of mine grew up in the house. Small world!

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