Monday, May 11, 2009

Yesterday was Mother's Day

My sister and I met for breakfast yesterday and afterwards went to the nursing home to see Mother. She was still having breakfast when we got there and we sat outside while we waited for her to finish. It was quite sad to see the state she was in. She was dribbled with food and had scrambled eggs under her fingernails.

It was awfully cold inside, so we got one of her sweaters for her, but we were only able to get it on one arm and over her shoulders. She's hard to maneuver and heavy.

The three of us went outside to the garden and sat at the new picnic table (Mother in her wheel chair) for a visit. I read her cards to her (one a letter from Rosie) and she seemed pleased. Visiting gets harder each time. She's more child-like and more vague and confused each time. She has begun drooling pretty badly, too. We asked her about her visit with Uncle Buddy. We thought she remembered the visit until she told us that Aunt Betty was there, too. She wasn't. We visited for an hour or so, until Mother starter dozing off in her chair.

When we took her back in the dining room was being set up for a Mother's Day party. So we parked her chair so she could watch with some of the other ladies there. It's a shame that it always feel like we're escaping when we leave.

Happy Mother's Day.

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