Friday, May 29, 2009

and, yet more rain....

Today is our 16th day in a row of rain. Yesterday we had intermittent spots of sunshine and we had a little bit earlier this morning...just enough to get my hopes up. At first I was thrilled to be getting so much rain, but as it continued day in and day out my attitude underwent daily changes, mostly downhill! The soft plants aren't so happy either. The tomatoes and mint are especially unhappy...who woulda thunk it? They are sparse and leggy and borderline fungusy.

No particular news today. My sister and I are meeting for breakfast tomorrow and then planning to go see Mother. It's so much more pleasant seeing her with the two of us...I guess it gives us a buffer or something.

Work is slow. Hope it'll pick up soon. I get sooooo bored!

The weatherman says that tomorrow and Sunday will be hot and sunny! We'll see!

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