Sunday, May 17, 2009

Perfect egg

This morning I cooked the world's most perfect poached egg! The other day Alton Brown (Good Eats) did a show on eggs. He's so good! I really sat up and took notice when he got to the poached egg part. That is probably my favorite way to have an egg and I've never been satisfied with the way mine turn out. His secret is to swirl the water and gently place the egg in the swirling water. That tightens the white up. The result is just wonderful. This morning I had mine on a buttered slice of 15 grain toast and topped it with a little finely shredded sharp cheddar and some cayenne pepper. Talk about good!

We have had three days in a row of made to order weather! Clear, sunny and hot in the mornings and major rain in the afternoons! I haven't heard about our rain deficit situation, but I'm willing to bet it's much better!

The hay bales are coming along nicely. The squash seeds are the only ones germinating yet, but I'm hopeful for the rest. Just in case they don't make it, yesterday I put out (in the bales) 2 tomato plants, 2 pepper plants (1 bell and 1 jalapeno), 1 Japanese eggplant, 3 clumps of flat leaf parsley and 1 mint plant. Then I went a bit nuts and seeded lots of herbs in the raised bed in the fenced area and zinnias, sunflowers and marigolds in the new bed that Jazzy and I dug right off the patio. If everything comes up it will be unreal! It's quite a large bed and it's the one I've planted crape myrtles and daylilies in. I put out 5 3cu.ft. bags of cypress mulch, but it looks like I need about ten more to really cover it. Then I really need to weed and mulch the front beds, they are getting away from me and they show! No one sees the back except for me.

A week from this coming Tuesday we have a meeting at the nursing home about Mother. It will be interesting to hear what they have to say. My sister and I think she's slowly going down hill, but Bert thinks she's okay. So to have a professional perspective will be good.

More rain is in the forecast for this afternoon and then both Monday and Tuesday it's supposed to rain 'most all day! How good is that?!

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