Saturday, March 07, 2009

Why can't "they" just leave the time alone?

Why in the world can't we just run on the same ol' time all of the time? This jumping back and forward stuff is for the birds! People are going to do what ever they need to do no matter what the clock says and I'm just fed up with changing clocks! At least tomorrow the clock in my car will be correct for the first time in what 6 months? I've still managed to make appointments on time and work on time, etc. So why screw around with the clock? I know there are a couple of states that don't do the time change stuff and they seem to function okay, they haven't fallen off the face of the earth or anything like that. This is just plain ol' dumb!

Anyway, reminder, set your clock forward an hour tonight.

My sister called yesterday and said that Bert called her to let her know that Mother is sick. I haven't heard from him, will probably call him today. It seems that there's a virus going around the nursing home and Mother's caught it. Nancy and I had planned on going to see Mother and do her clothes today, but neither of us can afford to catch anything else...we've both been sick several times this winter. So I guess we'll go when we hear that the bug is gone. Seems that it should be gone by next weekend...

Last night was Dinner with the Ladies. There were only 5 of us. We have 2 out with back problems now. The company was nice, the food was the same. Brought home some fried catfish, hush puppies (for the dogs) and 4 fried thinking a fried oyster hogie sounds good!

Made an interesting little pasta salad yesterday. Shell macaroni, pinto beans, minced onion and bell pepper, fresh basil, a little lemon zest, a package of dried ranch dressing and a little mayo. I ate some right after mixing it and it was good, but this morning it was even better! I've just boiled 3 eggs and will be making egg and olive salad shortly. Yum!

Once a week I go to my old job and catch them up on filing and sending out statements, etc. I do strange little odd jobs and such. Well, it's sometimes less than an hour that I'm there and sometimes as long as 3 hours, so I only turn in my time card every 6 weeks or so. Turned it in last Wednesday (a week ago this past Wed.) and attached a note asking to have the check this past Monday. Well, HWB lost my no check. I'm angry. This is not the first time he's messed around with my money, and it's such a piddling little bit. Like an idiot, I did not keep a copy of the time. Don't know exactly what to do, but I'm so angry about this that I'm thinking of not working there anymore! I'm worried that this may cause problems where I'm working Mon-Wed, as it's his dad I work for now. Perhaps I should talk to the dad about it...

Next Thursday our garden club is going out to a farm to learn first hand about straw bale gardening. I'm hoping that I can get a lead on buying straw bales there. I hear they will also have goat meat (which I like a lot) and eggs for sale!

Just how long should it take to get a tax return back? I sent mine in a few weeks back...maybe it'll be soon. I sure hope so!

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