Monday, March 09, 2009

Oops, I took a spill

I finally got all of the clocks changed in the house...each room has one and some have two...but haven't changed watches yet, I figure I'll change them as I use them. Sounds good to me.

Yesterday I spent four and a half hours sewing up the holes in the sofa. I can't get another one yet (am saving my change) and it was really, really bad! I covered it with a sheet, but Jazzy shredded that, so not only was it a holey sofa, but covered with a shredded sheet it REALLY looked bad. Doesn't look so great now, but much better. My hands hurt from the stitching, but the hard part was threading the darn needle! I really can't see squat, even with my dime store glasses!

After I finished the sewing I went outside to rescue some azaleas that a big oak limb had fallen on. The main part of the limb is about 8 feet long and bigger around than my leg. There were some pieces that had broken off that were pretty big, too. Well, as I was dragging them out to the street somehow my left foot got tangled up and I took a pretty hard fall. I'm okay, but my left hip hurts and my right knee took the brunt of the fall and is bruised and swollen and hurts, as does the heel of my right hand. It all happened so quickly, one minute I was dragging and the next I was on the ground!

My sister talked to Bert yesterday (I did on Saturday) and it seems he has Mother's bug. We both had suggested to him that he not go to the nursing home while this bug was going around, but he's more stubborn than most! He actually went 3 times on Friday!

I'm thinking of leaving Jazzy outside today. It's going to be another beautiful day and I'm just not up to cleaning up another one of her decorating projects! It's amazing to me that a relatively small amount of poly fiber fill can fill up several rooms! It reminds me of the time I was watching a friend's puppy...a Rhodesian Ridgeback...she ate their sofa on my watch...maybe it's the breed.

Gotta run, am running late...slept until the alarm went off!

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