Sunday, March 29, 2009

Stormy, stormy weather!

Wow! The weather across the panhandle was just amazing for the last 3 days! We had sustained winds of 20 mph with gusts (and rather prolonged ones at that!) of 65 mph! For once I didn't lose any of the limbs from the pecan trees, I think they all came down a few weeks back when the winds were only 30ish mph! I got over 5 inches of rain here at the house, don't know what the official rain fall was.

The timing of the rain was just perfect for me. Friday morning I had 12 bales of hay delivered and I have to keep them soaked for 3 days! So there you go! This coming weekend I plan to plant tomatoes, peppers, beans and squash in the bales. I'll try to remember to take pictures at various stages in this process so you can see how or if it all works out. Everything I've read about hay bale gardening sounds so good!

Well, Friday night for Dinner with the Ladies we went to another restaurant. I'd made reservations and the table was nice. The food was iffy and the service was terrible and it stormed the entire time (we ate outside). Perhaps I expect too much from this small town? So next week the powers that be have dictated that we go back to the former restaurant we've been going to. I'm going to order a hamburger and see what happens. I'm sick of the seafood that all tastes alike (and is very greasy!) and the steaks that are never cooked the way I want them! I know I keep saying it, but I've just got to stop this weekly's not working out in my best interest!

This morning I went to Tallahassee. Left home before daylight (7ish) and my sister and I went to breakfast and then on to the nursing home to do Mother's clothes. The things we took out of the closet we just stuffed in the box the new things came in and tossed the box in the dumpster! Sure feels good to have that done. Mother must have been at breakfast as we didn't see her, but we did see her room mate. Then it was back to my sister's house to sort through the stuff we'd taken from Mother's bathroom a month or so ago. Good to get that done too!

I've been having a horrible metallic taste in my mouth for several weeks. Finally really sat down and thought about anything new in my diet or habits. Around the start of flu season I added zinc to my arsenal of vitamins and things that I take daily. So about 5 days ago I stopped taking the zinc and the metallic taste is almost (but not quite) gone. So much for a prophylactic dose of zinc to prevent colds and flu! I was beginning to really think something was terribly wrong!

I have so many things I want to do today. It would be so nice to get something done! I hope I do!

1 comment:

bethtompkins said...

Hey momma. Its Beth. I've been wondering bout you. I have a blog now its not much yet its I think. would love to hear from you.