Tuesday, June 23, 2009

To smoke or not to smoke, that is the question~

Okay, I'm working on 48 hrs. of not smoking. I've gathered up the ashtrays and have put them in the dishwasher. I'm not saying I've quit, just that at the moment I'm not smoking.

My sister came over early Saturday and we went to the Watermelon Festival Breakfast. As usual, it was very good. Bennett didn't join us...got an e-mail from her saying it was too damn hot! She was right, it WAS too damn hot! Ann was serving (she works for the bank and was named employee of the year for 2008!) food, but we got hugged anyway!

After breakfast sister and I went to Norma's house and we each picked lots of blueberries. Then we came back to my house and sat on the front porch, drank coffee, fanned and watched traffic. It was a nice day.

Then at 3pm a young fellow came over to give me an estimate on doing some insurance things on the exterior of the house. We had to change insurance companies and this new one wants railings on stairs (3 sets) and a piece of roofing trim put back up before they'll insure the house.

Just finished breakfast and reached for my pack of cigarettes which isn't there!

On Saturday right after the parade there was a terrible wreck in town. My old (84) friend Ruth and her daughter were parked in the SUV when an 18 yr old sped through town 60+mph, rear ended an ambulance, then hit Ruth's SUV, flipped it and spun it around. Ruth was ejected and her daughter who had gotten out and gone around to help Ruth into her wheelchair was terribly injured. The daughter had a broken pelvis...word has it that it's broken in 7-8 places. I'm not sure what Ruth's injuries are, but rumor has it that she may come home today. You just never know, you know?

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