Friday, June 26, 2009

Ice cream and spiders and turkeys, oh my!

Well, I'm in the process of trying to shed one habit and replace it with another! Still am not smoking, but have eaten an entire pint of Breyers ice cream in 2 days! Finished it off this morning for breakfast!...and just spent almost an hour searching the web for ice cream coupons! Gotta watch this!

I'm having trouble going into the kitchen for coffee. There is a very large wolf spider lurking behind the coffee pot. Whenever I lift the pot he jumps out...he's a good 2 inches long and very intimidating. Not sure what I'm gonna do...don't want to kill him and don't want him in the kitchen/house! Help!

Yesterday I was standing at the kitchen sink (no, I wasn't eating!) just looking out the window and daydreaming. Must have been standing there for several minutes when I thought, "what in the world is that big stump doing inside the fence?"...then I came to and realized that it couldn't be a stump 'cause first you have to have a tree! So I went out the French doors to the stoop and as I did, the stump turned around, spread it's wings and took a running lift off toward the fence. He cleared the fence, but just barely! His wing span was very large, at least 5 feet, maybe more. He was a wild TURKEY! In my fenced area! And it's not even Thanksgiving! I watched him go through the wooded hedge between my yard and the neighbor's yard and I could see him through the trees for a while. He flew off headed north...there's a pond about a block away, guess he was headed there. Now isn't that something!

We've gone 2 days with the temperature under 100 degrees! It's amazing how much cooler 94 feels after a couple of days of 104+ (and 7 straight days of over 100)! I'm still needing rain. Haven't had a drop in about a week. There has been rain in the area for the past couple of days, sure wish it would come here!

The hay-bale garden is suffering. The herbs don't look like they'll make it, nor do the yellow squash...zucchini looks okay and the tomatoes are hanging in there. Need rain.

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