Wednesday, June 10, 2009

El Nino

Just read an article that said "El Nino is Back"...Not sure just what the impact will be for everyone, but the article said stormier in the deep south and a warmer winter with storms. Drat.

We are very hot and dry now. High 90s during the day and 70s at night. They were just joking about triple digit temps being just around the corner on tv. I don't find that very amusing. I've been keeping the thermostat on 80 during the day, but I do turn in down when I go to bed. The last electric bill was up $20. This next one will be worse.

Yesterday was the meeting at the nursing home. I left here at 8:30 even though the meeting wasn't scheduled until 9:45. I read in the paper Sunday that there would be one land traffic in spots on US 90 and to expect delays. Wouldn't you know it, I got there in 30 minutes! I don't think I've ever made it that quickly...nope, I didn't speed, well, just a little. The meeting was uneventful, except that they told us they had taken Mother off the anti-psychotic drug she's been on for about a year...some kind of regulation that requires they reduce or remove. I hope she behaves! Both Bert and my sister were also there. Bless his heart, Bert is sure beginning to show his 91 1/2 years! He focuses on minutia and trivia. The staff is very patient with him.

When I got home the propane folks had already filled the tank and hung a bill on the back door. I delayed opening it for an hour or so...was afraid. It wasn't so bad, about $158.00, so I wrote a check and put it in the mailbox. I didn't grocery shop in Tallahassee yesterday because I was worrying about how much that bill would be. It's just as well.

When I got in to work on Monday there was a note on my desk from HWB (former boss) saying to call him that he needed to see me. So I did, asked him what was going on, but he wouldn't say on the phone, wants to talk to me in person. So, I'm going to go see him after work today. Haven't the foggiest idea what's up.

Leah Jane's having a little dinner party tonight and tomorrow I'm going to Norma's to pick blue berries.

Last Thursday I decided to use a hair color that we found in Mother's bathroom when we cleaned out the vanity and linen closet. Well, I guess they expire or something. When I began applying it to my hair the plastic bottle burst wide open splattering hair gunk everywhere. Of course I used what was usable and finished doing my hair. I now have hair the color of Goodness the cat and Jazzy the dog...looks good on them (see photo at top). My sister said yesterday that it's not awful. I'll wear it for a while and then do something else.

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