Wednesday, April 30, 2008

No Pictures

Went to see Mother yesterday. She was in OT when I got there and being very nasty. When she saw me she got worse. I moved across the room out of her eye sight and watched a few minutes. Ended up leaving the area completely for unlike last week I was a total distraction. Went to the parking lot and waited for my still unsure why she was there. Bert showed up around 3pm. They are moving Mother today to another facility. To quote Bert "She'll be with a better quality of people"...what the hell does that mean? I think this move is a big mistake as far as her recovery goes...but a semi private room is $6800.00 a month and she's going to have a private room, but you know what value she places on costly things. Nancy and I told her that if she doesn't work at it she'll just vegetate in the wheelchair for the rest of her life. I'm so close to washing my hands of her...know I won't and even that makes me mad. Possibly it shows this morning that I'm quite angry about this whole mess. Took my camera, forgot to take pictures.

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