Saturday, May 03, 2008

Mother update

Mother was moved Wednesday. Thursday morning I had such a feeling of dread or fear or something and by the time I got off work it had really intensified. So I headed to Tallahassee. I'd never been to this new place and was thrilled to find it about 15 minutes closer than the others. When I finally found Mother she was in her wheelchair sitting at a dinner table with 2 other women and their caregivers. She had her hands folded in her lap, her head down and was crying. When she saw me she thought I was there to rescue her. She said the place was evil and they wanted to kill her...wouldn't touch her food as she was sure it was poisoned. I spent a little over 3 hours with her. Took her outside and talked with her about where she is and why. Met her new speech therapist and was able to talk with her alone and told her of Mother's fears. Bless her heart, she made sure to tell the head nurse who made a point of spending time talking with Mother with me there. Mother had been refusing to take her medicines and did finally while I was there. She had calmed down a lot by the time I left.

Nancy went to see her yesterday and got there in time for her lunch. She actually ate quite a bit and was fairly calm.

I've got to run as Nancy is coming this morning for breakfast at 7:30 and to see my kitchen.

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