Friday, May 16, 2008

Take nothing at face value!

Well, it seems that Mother will have to move yet once again. Bert was so wrong to move her out of the last place. This past Sunday Nancy and I found her living will and her appointment of medical surrogate and her blanket do not resuscitate order. Nancy is the appointed surrogate and we have been running on the assumption that Bert was, because he told us he was. Had we found this sooner she would never have had to do this last move. Nancy and I are meeting later this morning and visiting several long term care centers. We are hoping to get her back into the last place, but that's a long shot.

Oh, the reason she'll have to move...we, Nancy, Bert and I, had a meeting yesterday with the evaluation team at the place she's in now. It was to have been a 15 minute meeting and ended up lasting almost 2 hours. The one thing they did say was that Bert was told when he moved her there that there is no opening in their long term care facility and that there is a very long waiting list and that when her 100 medicare days were over she'd have to move. The director spent a long time explaining how the remaining 54 medicare days are bargaining tools and the more we have available to bargain with the more likely we are to find a place for her. Isn't that the pits?!

We are sooo dry here. My yard is crisp...but at least I'm saving money on the mowing! It's been over 2 weeks since we've had rain and I am watering containers, but can't afford to water the lawn. Thank goodness none of my neighbors are watering either...I'd stick out like a sore thumb! We had rain in the forecast for last night, but it fizzled out before it got's in the forecast for today and I will take my umbrella to Tallahassee, but I'm doubtful.

The puppies are baaad! Jazzy and Maggie have done away with all of my basil and are tunneling under the patio. They have about 20 feet to go...I suspect they'll be surprised when they get to the other side and are still inside the fence! I'm planning to fill the starter hole with gravel and maybe cement. Don't know what else to do...maybe pepper in the hole.

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