Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Something's going on!

Last night Mother called and asked me to join her and Bert for dinner Friday night. I thanked her and said "that would be lovely" and then asked what time I should get there. When she said 3:30 I thought that was quite early, but they know I don't like to drive at night so I didn't think much about it. Well, she just called a minute ago and said that they need me to get there at 3:00 instead of 3:30. I said "Mother, that's certainly not dinner time, what's up?" and her reply was that Bert said 3:00 was a better time than 3:30 and to be there! Then she added that she had just finished wrapping a little something up and of course I asked what and she said a birthday present and of course I said "it's not my birthday" and she said "it will be"! So, I think something's up! Well, enough "she said/I said"!

A while ago we had really dark skys and lots of thunder so I ran out and got the rug I had drapped over chairs to dry and drapped it over the roof of the car. How dumb can I get? The car's so dirty! I think it'll all vacuum out. Now the sky's bright blue and no thunder!

Just washed, blew-dry and curling ironed my hair. It's not so bad, but there's hardly enough to go around the curling iron! Oh well, it'll grow.

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