Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Hair cut

Tonight I cut all of my hair off. It actually amazes me that I've waited this long..5 or 6 months. Usually my very first reaction to stress is to cut my hair, and usually I wait until I've got a snoot full! I do believe that my mother is driving me absolutely nuts! The month of July was quite bearable...she was in the mountains, but now she's home and I really don't think she has enough to do and has decided to take me on as a hobby! I lived apart from her for 42 years and now I remember why!

I made the mistake of telling her that someone she knows came by to see me and she called her and thanked her for coming by! Good Lord! I'll be sixty in a couple of weeks and you'd think I was 12! I just hate this and when I fuss at her she really gets bent out of shape and actually called me a bitch several months ago!

I'm slowly, but surely getting unpacked. My "work room" is the depository of so many boxes that it'll take an act of congress to get it straightened out! I'm going to have to move everything out and start from scratch...need many shelves and I'm not sure how I'll work that out. sure would like to build them in, but having never done that I don't know how to go about it.

A friends 30 year old son was killed in a truck the other night. He was alone and the news said he'd been drinking. The funeral is tomorrow, I won't be going, it's not here. Such a sad thing!

The week I moved here I put an old rug that had seen better days out on the patio. Then the rains came. Today is the first day in a couple of weeks that it didn't really pour and the rug's looking good! I think the worse thing about it was the smell and it looked so ratty. Well, it not only doesn't smell bad, it smells "summer rain fresh" and it looks quite clean. I'm thinking of putting it in the dining room. I've got it draped over some chairs to finish drying and I put another ratty rung on the patio in its place. Can't wait to see how that one will turn out!

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