Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Rainy dogs

This morning I went to put Shirley out (I think it was a little early for her, 4:45AM) and there was a very large black dog on the back steps. Of course Shirley went bonkers, but the poor dog just stood there in the rain and wagged and smiled. I felt so bad for him and put some dog food out. He sniffed it and wandered off. Later Shirley did go out and the dog reappeared. He's awfully sweet, and awfully thin...can I keep him? Probably not, I don't think he'd fit in the house.

I'm feeling like I'm really getting the shaft at work. I was promised training, I've gotten none and now it appears that I'm the permanent file clerk. If they'd pay me more, I might stay...otherwise, I guess I'll have to find something else, I don't like this feeling of being used.

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