Friday, February 25, 2005

Better (than what?)

Well, I'm better. I went to work yesterday and one of the first things I was asked to do was copy an entire policy file. I stood at the copier for about an hour and a half. Really did my leg lots of good!

Got a call from Prentice last night at 10:30. He knows I go to bed earlier than that, but when he gets a snoot full it's all about him and he just doesn't care. When I said I was in bed he got rather ticked off and started to hang up, perhaps I should have let him, but I stopped him and we talked about half an hour. He can't come this weekend and I think that's just as well...I'm going to drop the idea until he can get here on his own power, then so be it.

Rainy weather, but warm.

Gotta run need to whip through the dump on the way to work.

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