Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Up but not running

I've been down for a few days...physically and mentally. This has really been an awful week for me. I had a biopsy done on my left leg a week ago cancer, thank goodness, but there was an encapsulated infection. The lab report said it was a few months old. The biopsy released the infection and it has been a horrible experience. Today is the first day that it didn't break open and drain when I got up. I'm still running a fever and feel rotten as all get out, but the swelling is down and the reddness is more of a brown now and the pain is very much reduced. Boy, this has had me down. I was able to shower and wash my hair this morning and that feels better.

I have no idea what this has done to my job which has felt tenuous at best. Now, I'm working with all of these self professed Christians, this "office family" as they call themselves and not a damn one of them has called or come by. I sure could have used a few things during this time, friendship not being the least of them. I guess that puts me in my place as the uppity "new girl"! Oh hell, I wish I knew what to do. I'd like to just run around and scream and kick butt! I'm sure that would get me far!

Who am I kidding, I knew in my first week there that I didn't fit in...and I really tried to. What to do, what to do?

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