Monday, February 07, 2005

Busy weekend

This was such a busy week end for me! I needed 48 more hours! Saturday morning Mother called and asked if I'd like to go to a movie. So I dressed and dashed to Tallahassee. My first stop was the new Goodwill that opened last week...found a notebook I've wanted for a dollar and a Will Rogers tape for a dollar (less 10 percent of course). Then I went to Ross to look for a lamp shade for the floor lamp I found at the dump last week (I'd been wishing for one, but the ones I'd found in stores were awfully expensive and not what I wanted). Found a big red one that looked perfect and a mosaic table with elephants. Then to Mother's house for a quick tuna sandwich. We went to see "The Wedding Date"...cute movie, but a little embarrassing to see with my 80 year old mother! Back to Mother's where she gave me several outfits (she's cleaning out her closets) and a watch (the one with a swan as the logo). From her house I ran by Joann Fabric and found a wonderful red fabric with elephants to cover my old hassock with and some sissors. Then by Walmart for groceries and then home. It was almost 6:00pm when I got home.

Well, when I got home I found that the big wonderful lamp shade was about 89 sizes too large for the lamp, but it sure was pretty!

Sunday morning I dashed back to Tallahassee and exchanged the lamp shade for one that quite a bit more conservative, but nice and got a smaller version of the elephant table that nests nicely under the other one. I took a short-cut one the way home and added about 35 minutes to my traveling time, but it was a pretty drive and I enjoyed it.

I spent Sunday afternoon rewiring the floor lamp and recovering the hassock and vacuuming and doing a little cleaning. There's so much more to do! Well, I'm off this afternoon, maybe I'll get more done today...just not stapling, I worked up a really big blister that popped on my right thumb...boy is that sore!

Must close so I can run by the dump before work.

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