Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Internal clocks and things

My magic number seems to be 4:44 every morning I wake up and look at the clock. Now I'm wondering what would happen if I changed the clock forward or back a little...what time would I wake up?

I haven't heard from Mike in a few weeks. I worry about him.

Mother took me shopping last week and over the weekend gave me a few things from her closet. I've really dressed for work lately (since I actually have something to wear), but today they'll be surprised...I'm in jeans and a sweater...really, it feels better...more like ME!

I'm gaining weight, wonder if it's the cobbler with ice cream and caramel sauce I eat every night before I go to bed? Surely not!

This past weekend while recovering the hassock I worked up a really big blister (from the staple gun) on my popped before I knew it was there and everything I do seems to agravate it. It actually bled at work yesterday and washing dishes is quite painful. Seeing that it's on my right hand, I really can't baby it. Wonder how long it'll take to heal?

Got my bank statement yesterday. It seems I didn't record 2 checks (actually debit card transactions). Now I don't know where I stand...I think I'm overdrawn. Drat!

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