Saturday, January 24, 2009

Something odd

Okay, I've stewed about this for a day or so and wasn't certain that I even wanted to mention it, but I find it a bit unsettling and figure that if I put it in writing I may be able to let it go.

Yesterday, or maybe it was Thursday, an old friend from high school that I've made a friend on FaceBook wrote on my wall (FaceBook term) wanting to know why I'd told her husband what was on her profile and did I want him!!!!! Well, this feels like grade school! and, putting it in writing just magnifies that feeling! Anyway, I responded that I'd not had any contact with him at all and that no, I did not want him. She responded to just forget it. Well, I don't find that enough of an answer. Something like that is not easy to forget! I mean for heaven's sake, we are both in our 60's!!!! So, I took her off of my FaceBook contacts, but now I'm worried about just how unstable she must be. So let it be said here and now that if anything unforeseen happens to me I'd suspect a girl that I was a majorette with in high school who is separated from her husband and lives in Tallahassee!

There, I got that off my chest.

Finally our weather is quite bearable! It's 69 degrees right now and I've been able to have the back door open for the animals to go in and out as they please. Nice. I had to close the door a while ago as it started raining and Jazzy loves to frolic in it. She gets so muddy and stinky when she does that!

I've been fighting a really awful cold for the past few days. Yesterday it settled in my chest. It's what I call an office cold as everyone there has one too and seem to be passing it around. Sick folks should stay home!!!!!

1 comment:

Zabetha said...

Ha! Yes that Facebook thing is bizarre. Is a Facebook friend a real friend? I've had some bizarre experiences on Facebook myself, so I am glad to hear I am not the only one!

(I got here via RM's blog, via Ran Prieur's blog)