Monday, August 18, 2008

The living room is painted!

I spent all day Saturday painting the living room and it is done!!! Looks good. Feels good to have finished it! The hardest part was dragging that 8' ladder around the furniture and avoiding the ceiling fan! Of course going up and down the ladder constantly was a challenge too! The cats (except for Mercy) took turns keeping me company by sitting on the paint shelf on the ladder while I did my thing. This room had soooo much cutting in. There are 5 doorways (counting the front door and the closet door), a double window and the fireplace.

Yesterday I was so tired and sore that besides feeding the animals and myself I didn't do much. Read the newspaper, watched the Olympics and read my book. Still feel a little stove up today, but better.

The track for soon-to-be hurricane Fay brings her ashore right here in Jefferson County! I filled an oil lamp and set up my weather radio yesterday. And, of course, made a list. I look for her arrival late Tuesday or early Wednesday. She's still far enough out that lots could change. I just heard on TV that her track is moving slightly to the east. That's good news for here!

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