Sunday, August 03, 2008

I started not to blog today...

I'm not sure if I'm just a little agitated or "Mad as hell" and can't take it anymore. I got a call from Mother's twin brother last week. He and Bert talk often and he calls Nancy on occasion, but this was the first time he'd called me. The start of the conversation, which lasted apx. 45 mins., was just family type chit chat, but he really wasted no time in getting to the guts of his call. He told me that Bert wants to take Mother home and that he thought it was a good idea. Well, he hasn't even SEEN Mother since she had the stroke and sorta talked to her once on the phone (he told me that she seemed just fine on that phone call). Bert had her outside on one of her good days and called Uncle Buddy on his cell phone and the chat didn't last very long...Bert told me this at the time. Then UB told me that he'd been talking to our cousin in Panama city and SHE'S a nurse. Said that she said Mother should go home. Well, I told him that she had no business saying anything like that, she hasn't even seen Mother and that he hadn't either! Mother's doctor told Nancy that Mother needed round the clock nursing care and shouldn't go home. Anyway, it's just boiling up to a big nasty mess and Nancy and I seem to be cast as the Nasties! It'll be interesting to see how this all plays out.

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