Sunday, June 01, 2008

Dog Days of Spring

The computer shows 93 degrees as out current temperature, but the thermometer on the carport in the shade is showing 95 degrees! Whichever is correct, it's HOT!!! Our humidity is in the mid 70%, I guess it could be worse! Week before last I had to wear a sweater on the way to work as it was in the 40's. This morning I went out at 7:30 to rake out the new garden plot and had to come in at 9ish. The humidity was higher and it was in the 80's!

When I came in I got on the computer and began a new posting to my blog. Lost it when the power went out around 10:00. Power was back up in about 5 minutes, but I was already away from the computer. Tried again to post around 1:30 this afternoon...almost made it, but, you guessed it, the power went out. This time it was out for a little over an hour. I put a batch of sun tea out on the patio and camped out on the front porch. There was a lovely little breeze the entire time and I read the Sunday paper from cover to cover and did the crossword. I missed the power coming back on and was only aware of it when the phone rang. That was a nice little break! I think it's going out due to usage being mighty high.

Speaking of high, I got gas Thursday morning at the station I mainly use and paid $4.09.9 per gallon! On my way into work that same station had it for $3.99.9. It went up that much in 3 hours! The week before at the same place I was paying around $3.79.9. Wow!

I have some pork spareribs in the oven. Was going to do them on the grill, but it's just too dang hot!

I have the thermostat for the A/C set on 78 degrees, but it sure does run more often than I'd like.

I went to see Mother yesterday morning early. She was still asleep when I got there at 8AM. I woke her when I knocked on her door. She was so clear and sane and pleasant...I exhaled! I'd picked up a couple of country sausage biscuits at the meat locker on my way out of town and we both enjoyed them! Her breakfast came as we were polishing them off so she drank her milk and ate her bacon from the tray. We visited for over an hour. When I got there I told her that I had a 9:30 appointment across town and to not let the time slip up on me. Reminded her several times throughout the visit and when I did leave she was perfectly fine with it. Nicest visit we've had in a while.

I met Nancy at the hair dressers about 15 til 10. Popped in, said "hi" and went next door to Publix and got my shopping done. Popped in once more and said "bye"! Had time to put groceries away, walk in the yard with dogs and of course, picked up poop.

Then Nancy got here. She's no longer a red head. At the moment she's a med. brown/blond with honey colored highlites. It needs to be cut a little shorter as it really will not spike. I had mine cut again yesterday for the same reason.

When she was here Thursday she bought a nice, comfortable 4-piece patio set at the Humane Society pulled pork dinner and was to pick it up Saturday. The plan was for both of us to go get it and what couldn't fit in her car could stay here until she could get it. We both have little Hondas. Anyway, we got there and she and a couple of the ladies took the legs off of the table and with a bunch of trial and error got it all in her car. A love seat bench thing (with a back), a round dining table and two dining chairs! All in her Honda! Amazing!

Then we went a ate lunch and she went West and I went East.

It was a tired evening.

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