Saturday, June 07, 2008

I have planted!

Yesterday I planted my garden. It's awfully late in the season to be planting and awfully hot & dry, but I had the bedding plants (and had started some seeds) and had a tilled plot and a day off from what the heck! I did it!

I ran out to the office rather early Friday morning and planted some annuals and a few pots of perennials, checked on the 4 dogwood trees I'm tending and checked the planters I planted on Thursday (Jasmine on a trellis with salmon colored impatiens underneath/2 planters) and was home by 8:30! Then the real fun began! I put out 18 peppers: ceyenne, jalapeno, banana, red bell and green bell, I think that's all, 18 tomatoes: cherry, big boy, some hybrid I can't remember and a bunch that Nancy's neighbor's father started in a cup. Then I put out some green beans (once again the name eludes me, but they're another hybrid and are somewhere between being a bush bean and a pole bean...should be interesting!) and some straight neck yellow squash. I started both the beans and the squash only 1 1/2 weeks ago and they're 6-8" tall already with true leaves! The beans sprouted and came up so fast that I covered them with an inch of soil 3 times! I also put out some basil, parsley and spearmint. I have some cucumbers blooming their heads off in a hanging thing on the fence...unfortunately, the foliage is almost as yellow as the blossoms! Think I need to feed?

I finally planted the banana tree I got a week or so ago and it really seems appreciative. It's not in the garden plot.

I had the plot tilled in an area that gets full sun from early until about 3:30 or 4 and so far the hand watering I've done twice a day seems to be enough. Our current temp is 96.3 degrees and I sure hope this isn't an omen for the summer.

I met Nancy this morning at 10 til 7 and we went to the Village Inn for breakfast. I had the most wonderful bacon and mushroom omelet topped with holaindaise(sp) sauce, hash browns cooked to perfection and 3 fluffy, luscious pancakes! Ate about all of it!

Then I went to see Mother. Took her a biscuit and sausage, but she didn't eat it...nibbled at it a bit. She was in a rather difficult mood. I only stayed an hour.

Went to Big Lots and went slightly best buy was a 45 gal. garbage can on big wheels! It actually fit into the back seat of my little car with floor room to spare. Pretty good!

I've been reading so much about how to extend your gas mileage. There are a few of the things I was already doing like not parking so you have to back out and avoiding left hand turns, etc., but I really thought the bit about coasting was hog wash, well, I've been coasting for a few weeks now and I really can tell a difference. As of today gas is still $4.09.9 a gallon here, but it seems that it goes up on Mondays...we'll see. I got gas in Tallahassee today for $3.97.9 and was thrilled!

The dogs are sound asleep under my chair in a wad and so cute and sweet. I'll have to be so careful not to wake them when I get up from here, they turn into hellions!

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