Friday, May 05, 2006


Not that it's been a bad week at all, but I'm so glad it's done with! I've not been sleeping well and I seem to stay sorta pooped. Absolutely no plans for the weekend, except to bomb the house for fleas...and that doesn't require much of me! I think, since I have to be out of the house for about 2 hrs. total, I'll take the opportunity to clean & scour the litter boxes and give the food & water bowls a good cleaning. Once again I can't make paragraphs! Mercy is missing. She's been gone since Monday night. (Monday was everyone's birthday...they are all 3 yrs old.) Mercy ran from me twice when I asked her to come in Monday night and I left her outside. It wasn't the first night she's slept out, and of course Goodness stays pretty close to her and to the house in the evenings. When I went out to feed them (and put Shirley out) Tuesday morning Goodness was the only one there. I looked and called her for quite a while, nothing. She wasn't home when I got in from work that afternoon and still isn't. I had a terrible dream last night about her...dreamed someone had cut her left paws off. In the dream I was sobbing and Daddy (he's been dead for over 7 years) came up to me and put his arm around my shoulders and said "Don't worry about her, I'll take care of her." and then I woke up. I think it means she's dead. Oh, God, I'm aching about her. Helen has called for the last 3 evenings. Last night it was almost 9 o'clock when she called. She's coughing a lot and it hurts her to cough. I must go to see her. I've got this terrible thing about going (besides the time and money), I'm afraid she'll die if I do go. I went to see Pappy 10 days before he died and it was the same with Murr, 10 days. Then I talked to Daddy on the phone (a very rare occurance, since he was deaf he rarely answered the phone) 5 days before he died. I didn't go to see my friend Phyllis before she died, but I did get back to Orlando 2 weeks before she died. There are others I can't remember right now. You see where this is going? I must work through this! Need to get out in the yard for a little while this evening. It rained a little bit today and that makes the weeding so much easier! It's also a good time to put mulch out.

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