Sunday, May 07, 2006

Helen & Mercy Update

Helen called last night. She had stayed in bed all day and was in a lot of pain as she said "from her shoulders to her butt". When she went to the doctor last week she didn't tell him how bad the pain is and didn't ask him for any medication to help her deal with it. I do wish her daughter would be more attentive and more tuned in to what's going on with Helen. I must get down there.

When I closed up the house each night I always check on Goodness one last time for the day. Friday night was no exception and when I went out there was Goodness with Mercy practically wrapped around his neck...they were doing the Tail Up, Back Arched, Neck Twined Dance. She must have just arrived and the elation of the moment pulsed from both of them! It was beautiful! When the air calmed down a bit I scooped Mercy up and took her in. Her purrer is stuck on "run"...if I just look at her she turns up the volume! Someone had her. Her nails have been cut quite short and she's either been bathed or brushed or both and there's a floral scent about her. She's asking to go back out quite often, but I just can't let her. I guess I shouldn't quit my day job and make my living interpreting dreams!

This coming Friday we're having a cookout for one of our top three customers. There will be about 50 of us. HWB told me I am in charge of slaw, baked beans, plates, cups, rolls, bbq sauce, drinks, ice, "you know, the little things". He'll take care of the rest! We'll close at 11am on Friday. This should be fun.

Yesterday I got the last of the plants in the ground (except for the veggies) and put out 8 cubic feet of cypress mulch. It's looking so good, but I do need to get a few more perennial in that area. Just getting that raw, bare dirt covered with the mulch makes such a difference! Gotta get more mulch, can only carry 4 2 cubic foot bags in the car at a time, that means several more trips to Thomasville to get as much as I need! There are baby tomatoes on all of the bushes and baby peppers, too. Oregano, thymes, marjoram and rosemary are all doing very well...the softer herbs aren't doing too's been so dry and hot. Can't water enough for the parsley, celantro and basil. I haven't mulched the vegetables, should.

Shirley and I had left over chef salad for breakfast. We were both delighted!

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