Sunday, July 24, 2005

A weekend for doing nothing!

This is the first weekend in about two months that I've dedicated to doing nothing...well, almost nothing.

Yesterday a friend brought a set of wonderful red & white metal shelves over and I created a pantry. It's so nice to be able to see at a glance just whats what on the shelves!

I also did a bit of puttering in the yard and a bit of this and that in the house (I AM still walking around boxes and bags of stuff and expect I will be for a while), but this is the first time in months that I haven't felt torn between two places and it feels wonderful!

I went to Thomasville this morning to "do" Walmart. The tea I use cost $2.07 there, in my grocery store here it's $3.58! It was worth the trip just for that, but I also got gas for $2.17, the cheapest I can get here is $2.33! So I saved a bunch today!

I have a little grill that I've never used, got charcoal and lighter, too. Think I'll grill a hamburger tonight. May top it with this wonderful horseradish cheese I've got. Sounds pretty good to me!

Mother and Bert will be coming back from the mountains a week from today. I know she's going to hate what I'm doing with the house, oh well.

Will call Mike tonight.

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