Thursday, July 07, 2005

Hither and Yon

Ever feel torn between pillar and post, tossed hither and yon, stuck between a rock and a hard place....(you get my point!) welcome to my world! I told work yesterday that I'd not be in until I get moved. Don't think they cared for it too much. I've got to get moved...the guys that are going to move the big stuff will be here Monday and this is THURSDAY! I'm in a toss up between two places and neither is comfortable right now. And, of course, we have a hurricane due here Sunday or Monday. Drat!

I've moved a lot and packed a lot, yet there is so much more to do. I've run out of plastic grocery bags...they sure are easy to carry and hard to overfill. That's been one of the problems, things are so darn heavy and a few of them have really given my back fits.

The phone should be connected in the new place today by 7pm. Same number and will ring in both places till Monday...then, if all goes correctly, after Monday it'll only ring in the new place. Power will be off here on Wednesday.

If the phone is in today I'll move the computer tomorrow. Nothing there to sit it on, maybe the card table. It's covered with craft things, guess I'll put a box together and pack all that next.

Just heard on TV that there were several bombings in London.

Talked with Mike yesterday. The nursing home has really begun his physical therapy. They've got him out of his room, going to physical therapy. He's using a walker and a wheelchair. Still needs close physical help, but feels positive about finally getting better. It seems that finally he has a job to focus on.

Talk about fruit basket turn over!!!

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