Tuesday, March 29, 2005

The uncertainties of life

This past week has been perfectly horrible! Mike is in the ICU here in Orlando and it's not certain that he's going to pull through.

Last Thursday (or was it Friday) the doctors removed his entire colon (he's had ulcerated colitis for several years). Yesterday he required another surgery to try to control the raging infection he has developed. He isn't aware of his surroundings and hooked us to every imaginable machine and drainage thingy and IV. So far they are trying to stabalize his heart rate, blood pressure, renal system and the infection...and so far they are not having much luck. The doctors say that the next 24-48 hours will be the telling ones. Pray for him.

Mother was checked into the hospital in Tallahassee yesterday with phenumonia (sp?). I talked with her this morning and she says she's being "killed with kindness" and expects to go home in a couple of days. Pray for her.

I've only had one night's sleep since being here. Pray for me.

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