Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Just stuff

There was a terrible storm last night. Shirley and I were on the sofa watching t.v. when a boom sounded over the house. It was so loud that I thought a train had derailed or an explosion had happened. The windows rattled and the pictures on the walls shifted. Cats ran everywhere and I was scared. Then it happened again and again and again...then, I could see flashes of light through the blinds. When the rain started it was a blessed relief...at least I knew what was going on! I ran around and unplugged everything and went to bed with a dog and 2 cats on top of me. I'm not sure how long this storm raged, but we got over 2 inches of rain. This morning it is clear, beautiful and cool. The forecast is for freezing or below tonight. Wow!

I was thinking about age this morning. I'll be 60 this year, Mother will be 80 and my oldest daughter will be 40. I remember standing in line in the lunch room when I was 11 or 12. One of the girls we all admired had just turned 15. We whispered and giggled and thought she was over the hill! Can you imagine? Over the hill! If we had only known the hill was so much longer and higher and harder! I've heard many people say that they feel no differently inside than they did at 11 or 12 (or older or younger) and I agree, I feel no different, I'm still me with all of the insecurities and fears of youth. I don't feel I've gained anything with age other than lines, aches and all of the other baggage that comes with additional years. I'm still insecure and afraid.

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