Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Icky day

Today is cold and overcast. This has been really weird weather...sunny, warm and beautiful one day and really icky the next. I guess it's normal, I just don't remember it this way.

In the past three days I've unpacked 8 large boxes...the trick will be finding spots to put everything.

I think Shirley's bored. She wants in then out, then in, then out, I wish the yard had a fence so I could let her out to run. The chain I have her on is mighty heavy for such a little dog.

I was sitting by the front window at dusk last night and had no lights on inside, so I could see quite clearly out into the yard. A movement caught my eye by the bird bath...two very small rabbits were just poking about. I watched them for several minutes until something spooked them and they dashed off into the underbrush. It's so funny to see things like that here right by the highway.

Last week was the first week in a long time that I didn't hear from Prentice. I miss our talks. I hope everythings okay with him. I haven't heard from Mike in a long, long time. I worry so much about him.

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